Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/267

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Mary's University, Baltimore. Contributor to "American Ecclesiastical Review". ABTICLE: Sbminaby, Ecclesiastical.

Vieter, Right Reverend Heinrich, d.d., p.s.m., b. at Cappenberg, Westphalia, Germany, 13 Febru- ary, 1853; d. 1 Dec, 1914. Education: PaUottini College, Masio, Italy; Gregorian University, Rome. Entered Pious Society of Missions 1883; ordained 1887; rector, PaUottini College, Masio, 1887-1888; missionary at Caxias, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, 1888-1890; prefect Apostolic of Kamerun 1890-1905; titular Bishop of Paretonium and vioar Apostolic of Kamerun 1905-1914. During his administration of the Prefecture and later the Vicariate Apostolic of Kamerun, the number of Catholics increased from 6 to 17,239. Contributed to "Star of Africa" and other missionary periodicals.

ARTICLE: Kamerun, Vicariate Apostolic of.

Vincent, Reverend Htjgubs, o.p., s.t.d., associate editor "Revue Biblique" and "Etudes Bibhques", St. Stephen's Bibhcal School, Jerusalem.

ARTICLE: Madlanites.

Vogel, Vert Reverend John, p.s.m., b. at Dingolfing, Bavaria, Germany, 25 January, 1862. Education: College in Masio, Piedmont, Italy, and Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Pious Society of Missions 1884; ordained 1887; has filled the posts of superior of missions, Brazil (seven years), general consultor of the Pious Society of Missions, and superior of the PaUottini College, Rome; Vic. provincial of the American Province, Pious Society of Missions, and rector of the Church of the Sacred Hearts, Brooklyn, New York, 1896-

ARTICLES: Pallotti, Vincent Mart, Venerable; Pious Society of Missions.

Volker, James Alphonstjs, b. at Alzenau, Bavaria, Germany, 4 September, 1841. Education: St. Alphonsus School and St. Francis Xavier's College, New York. Came to New York 1848; has passed his Ufe in teaching both private pupils and in private and high schools; former teacher, Seton Hall College, South Orange, New Jersey (one year); former teacher in Military Academies, PeekskiU and Ossining, New York (twelve years); married 1880; resident at Ossining 1880- ; former organist of St. Augustine's Church, Ossining (24 years); on the staff of The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1905-1906; teacher of Eng- hsh to Foreigners, Evening High School, Yonkers, 1906- 1912. Author of various translations (songs, librettos, etc.); edited "Dumb-bell Exercises" (New York).

AJEITZCLES: Accentub Ecclesiasticus; Adam of Fulda; Apami da Bolsena, Andrea; Agazzabi, Aqostini; Agostini,

Paolo; Agricola, Alexander; Aiblinger, Johann Cabpab; AicHiNQER, Gregor; Albrechtsberger, Johann G.; Alfieri, Pietro; Allegri, Gregorio; Anerio, Felice; Anebio, Giovan- ni Francesco; Animuccia, Giovanni; Antont, Franz Joseph; Abcadelt, Jacob; Assmayer, Ignaz.

Volz, Reverend John Raymund, o.p., s.T.rect., b. at Faribault, Minnesota, 1868. Education: Parish school, Faribault; St. Thomas College, Merriam Park, Minnesota; Dominican Colleges, Louvain, Belgium, and Vienna, Austria. Entered the Dominican Order 1886; ordained 1892; professor of humanities and philosophy, St. Rose's Convent, Springfield, Kentucky, 1895; Prior, St. Louis Ber- trand s Convent, Louisville, Kentucky, 1896; first president, St. Patrick's College, Columbus, Ohio, 1905-1906; professor of Anglo-Saxon literature and critical history of the United States, University of St. Thomas, Manila, 1907- . Has contributed to various newspapers and to European and American periodicals.

ARTICLES: Baditjs, Raphael; Banez, Domingo; Barthol- omew of San Concordio; Beads, Use of, at Prayers; Billuart, Charles-Ren^: Br^hal, Jean; Cajetan, Tommaso de Vio Gaetani; Campanella, Tommaso; Cano, Melchior; Capheo- Lus, John; Coeffeteau, Nicolas; Collado, Diego; Conradin OF Bornada.

Vonier, Right Reverend Anscar, o.s.b., Ph.D., b. 1875. Education: St. Mary's Abbey, Buckfast; Sant' Ansehno, Rome. Entered the Benedictine Order; professor of philosophy, Sant' Anselmo, Rome, 1905; Abbot of St. Mary's Abbey, Buckfast, 1906-

well known as a preacher. Author of "The

Human Soul" (1913).

ARTICLE: Fleijrt, Abbey of.

Vuibert, Reverend Arsenitjs John Baptist, S.S., M.A., b. at Reims, France, 19 September, 1840. Education: private; Seminary, Reims; Sorbonne and St. Sulpice, Paris; St. Mary's University, Baltimore, Maryland. Entered the Sulpician Order 1860; ordained 1865; professor of Latin, rhetoric, and history (1865-1896), and vice-president and prefect of studies (1880-1896), St. Charles College, EUicott City, Maryland; spiritual director, CathoUc Univer- sity, Washington, D. C, 1896-1897; professor of Church history, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1897-1898; president (1898-1904), and president emeritus, superior of the College Depart- ment and professor of history, English, and French (1904- ), St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, California. Author of: "Ancient History"; "Ora- torical Rules" (for use of students of St. Charles College, EUicott City, Maryland).

ARTICLES: Ahsenius, Saint; Atticus, Patriarch of Constantinople; Aubusson, Pierre d'; Aurelius, Archbishop of Carthage.