Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/269

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Bradshaw Society; member Plainsong and Mediaeval from Modern Martyrs (2nd ed. 1906); contributor Music Society. to various periodicals; editor of "The Field Afar".

ARTICLE: ExoiyrET. ARTICLE: Th^ophane V^nabd, Blessed.

Walker, Leslie Joseph, s.j., m.a., b. at Birming- ham, England, 18 October, 1877. Education: King Edward's School, Birmingham, and Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, St. Asajjh, Wales. Became a CathoUc 1898; entered the Society of Jesus 1899; ordained 1911; former professor of philosophy, Stonyhurst College, Black- burn; army chaplain to the British Forces in France, July, 1915; senior chaplain with rank of Major, January, 1917. Author of :" Theories of Knowledge" ; "Indifference"; "The Nature of Incompatibility"; "Martineau and the Humanists"; contributor to: "Revue de Philosophie"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record".

ARTICLES: Parallelism, Psycho-Physical; Providence, Divine; Relativism; Scepticism; Tbuth; Voluntarism.

Wallau, Heinhich Wilhelm, writer, b. at Mainz, Germany, 17 July, 1852, son of Karl Wallau, former Mayor of Mainz. Education: Gymnasium, Mainz; University of Leipzig, Germany; further studies in France, England, Sweden, Italy, S5Tia, Palestine, and Egypt. Manager of the Karl Wallau estabUsh- ment for artistic publishing, Mainz, 1874-1895; devotes his time to writing on matters connected with typography; resident at Mainz. Awarded the Grand Duke of Hesse gold medal for science and art. Member of the German Commission of Experts in Artistic Printing (named by the Emperor); one of the directors of the Gutenberg Society, of the Antiquities Association, and of the Roman-German Central Museum at Mainz. Collaborator in: "Fest- schrift der Stadt Mainz" (by Wallau: "Zweifarbige Psalter-Initialen Schoffers") (Mainz, 1900); Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; contributor to: "Veroffent- lichungen der Gutenberg-Gesellschaf t " ; "Archiv fur Buchgewerbe".

ARTICLES: Gutenberg, Johann; Kobebger, Anthony; Mentelin, Johannes; Plantin, Chbistophe; Schoffeb, Petee; Speteb, Johann and Wendelin von; Sweynheim, Konrad; Zell, Ulrich.

Walsh, Vert Reverend Edward J., cm., b. at Brooklyn, New York, IS September, 1877. Educa- tion: St. John's College, Brooklyn; St. Vincent's Seminary, Germantown, Pennsylvania. Entered the Congregation of the Mission 1894; ordained 1901; professor at St. Vincent's Seminary, Germantown, 1901-1903; professor (1903-1908), vice-president (1907-1908) and president (1908-1912), Niagara University, Niagara Falls, New York; member of the Synodal Board, diocese of Buffalo, New York, 1908-1912; Superior, St. Vincent's Mission House, Springfield, Massachusetts, and director of Lazarist missions, 1912- . Has lectured on various subjects; president of the Seminary Department, Catholic Educational Association, 1910-1911. Member of the Executive Board, Catholic Educa- tional Association. Contributor to various periodi- cals. ARTICLE: Univebsitieb: Subtitle, Niagara Univebsity.

Walsh, Reverend Jambs Anthony, b. at Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, 24 February, 1867. Educa- tion: Dwight School, Boston College, and St. John's Seminary, Boston, Massachusetts; Harvard Univer- sity. Ordained 1892; assistant at St. Patrick's Church, Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1892-1903; director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, archdiocese of Boston, 1903-1911; president. Semi- nary for Foreign Missions, Ossining, New York, 1912- , and of the Catholic Missionary Society of America (founder with Reverend Thomas F. Price). Author of: "A Modern Martyr" (1905); "Thoughts

Walsh, James Joseph, m.d., Ph.D., ll.d., litt.D., physician, b. at Archbald, Pennsylvania, 12 April, 1865. Education: parish school, Wilkesbarre, Penn- sylvania; St. John's College, Fordham, New York; University of Pennsylvania; Universities of Paris, Vienna, and Berhn. Former assistant editor of "Medical News", and collaborating editor of "The International Climes"; practising physician. New York City, 1898- ; former instructor and (1900- 1905) adjunct professor of medicine. New York Polyclinic School, New York City; former professor of nervous diseases and the history of medicine and (1905-1912) dean of the Medical Faculty, Fordham University, New York City; professor of physiological psychology. Cathedral College, New York City, 1906- Has lectured extensively on literary,

historical, and scientific subjects; recipient of the Laetare Medal, 1916. Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; member American Medical Association; Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine; member New York Historical Society; member New York Geographical Society; Knight Commander of St. Gregory; Knight of Columbus (4th degree). Author of: "Makers of Modern Medicine" (New York, 1907); "The Thirteenth the Greatest of Centuries" (New York, 1907; 3rd ed. 1910); "History of the New York State Medical Society" (New York, 1907); "The Popes and Science" (New York, 1908); "Education, How Old the New" (New York, 1910); "Pastoral Medi- cine", in collaboration with Austin O'Malley (New York, 1906); "Makers of Electricity", in collabora- tion with Brother Potamian, F.s.c. (New York, 1909) ; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLES: An.esthesia; Auenbruggbr, Leopold; Bed- ford, Gunning; Bedlam; Colombo, Matteo; Constantine Afbicanus; Cobbiqan, Sir Dominic; David, Abmand; Desault, Pierbe-Joseph; Dupuytren, Guillaume; Eustachius, Bar- TOLOMEo; Fabbicius, Hiebonymus; Fallopio, Gabriello; Kingston, Sib William Hales; Hospitals; Hybtl, Joseph; Infanticide; Insane, Asylums and Cabe fob the; Kneipp, Sebastian; Laenn^c, Ren]^-Th]6ophile-Hyacinthe; Lakrey, Dominique-Jean; Linacbe, Thomas; MacNevbn, William James; Malpighi, Marcello; Mebcubiali, Geeonimo; Mon-


Johann; N^laton, Augusts; Nussbaum, Johann Nepomuk von; O'Dwyee, Joseph; Pasteub, Louis; Psychotherapy; Spallanzani, Lazzabo; Univebsities: Fobdham; Van Buben, William Holme.

Walsh, Right Reverend Monsignor John, b. in Ireland, 1847. Education: Christian Brothers Academy and St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy; Niagara University, Niagara Falls, New York. Ordained 1869; rector, St. John's Church (1873-1882), rector of the cathedral (1882-1887), and chancellor of the diocese (1884-1887), Albany, New York; rector, St. Peter's Church, Troy, New York, 1887- ; domestic prelate. Frequent lecturer before Troy Scientific Association and the Albany Institute; for many years vice-president, awarded gold medal for services at Convention at Washington, 1879, and president of the Convention, Buffalo, New York, 1880, CathoUc Young Men's National Union. Vice- President Troy Scientific Association; corresponding member of the Albany Institute. Author of: "Mass and Vestments of the Catholic Church" (Troy, 1909) ; (pamphlets:) "Martin Luther"; "The Grand Char- treuse"; contributor to "Reading Circle Review".

ARTICLE: Albany, Diocese of.

Walsh, Joseph, a.m., m.d., physician, b. at Parsons, Pennsylvania, 28 October, 1870. Education: St. John's College, Fordham, New York; University of Pennsylvania. Teacher, Epiphany College, Balti- more, Maryland, 1890-1892; practising physician, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1895- ; instructor.