Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/274

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the English Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Education: private school at Forest Hill, MiU Hill Grammar School in London, and Seminary at Leeds, England. For several years associated with a firm of engineers and Patent Agents (Waugh & Chapman), London; became a CathoUc 18S7; ordained 1893; assistant at the cathedral, Leeds, 1893-1903; rector, St. Mary's Church, Carlton, Yorkshire, 1903- . Instrumental in organizing Exhibition of Cathohc Antiquities and Objects of Art, First National CathoMc Congress, Leeds, 1910. Author of: "Short History of St. Anne's Cathedral and the Leeds Missions " (London, 1904); "Annotated Catalogue Arranged Chronologically and Chiefly Illustrative of Penal Times" (Leeds, 1910); Introduc- tion to Bans, "These My Little Ones" (London, 1911); collaborator in: Raupert, "Roads to Rome" (London, 1901); "The Leeds Mission" (Leeds, 1910); contributor to "Dublin Review". ARTICLE: Leeds, Diocese of.

Weale, John Cyril Marie des Anqes, journalist, b. at Bruges, Belgium, 22 December, 1857, son of William Henry James Weale, archaeologist, and Helena Amelia Walton. Education: College of St. Louis, Bruges. Removed to England 1878; special London correspondent for the "Coiirrier de BruxeUes" 1881-1882; on account of ill health, went to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, 1882; editor and later part owner with J. G. O'Connor and John McCrory, "The Express", Sydney, 1883-1888; married Mar- garet, daughter of WilUam Walshe, of Balla, Co. Mayo, Ireland, and niece of John W. Walshe of the Irish National Land League, 1886; editor of "The Catholic Times", Wellington, New Zealand, 1888- 1889; returned to New South Wales 1889; returned to England 1892; engaged in press work, historical research, and the study of Christian Art, 1892- ; resident at Cambridge, England. One of the thirteen founders and 1st Hon. Secretary, Transvaal Inde- pendence Committee, under Chairmanship of Captain Sir Edmund Hope Verney, R.N., London, 1881. Author of: "The Relation of Drink to Insanity" (1888); pamphlet on Life Assurance (1889); trans- lated into Flemish (Louvain, 1787; 2nd ed. Alost, 1904) Crake, "^Emihus: a Tale of the Persecutions of Decius and Valerian"; collaborator in "Year Book of Australia", 1884, 1885. ARTICLE: Bkuqes.

Weale, William Henby James, b. in London, 8 March, 1832, d. 26 April, 1917, son of J. Weale and Susan Caroline Ellis Vesien. Education: King's Col- lege, London. Became a Cathohc 1849; married Helena Ameha Walton; resident at Bruges, Belgium, 1855-1878; writer on art and archaeology, resident in London, 1878-1917; Keeper of the National Art Library, South Kensington, London, 1890-1897. Organizer of the Exhibition of Flemish Masters, Bruges, 1902. Hon. member Royal Flemish Academy; Associate of the Royal Academy of Belgium; hon. member Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwero); officer of the Order of Leopold. Author of: "Belgium, Aix-la-Chapelle and Cologne, an Archaeological Guide-Book" (1859); "Bruges et ses environs" (1862; 4th ed. 1884); "M(5moire sur la Restauration des Monuments publics en Belgique" (1862); "Le Beffroi: Arts, H(5raldique, Arch^ologie" (1863-1876); "Hans Memlinc" (1865); "La Flandre: Revue des Monuments d'Histoire et d'Antiquit6s" (1867-1873): "Chronica monasterii S. Andreas iuxta Brugas Ordmis S. Benedicti" (1868); "Les Eglises du Diocfese de Bruges: Doyenng de Dixmude" (1874): "Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts and Printed Books exhibited at Albert Hall" (1885); "Bibho- graphia liturgica" (1886); "Some Account of an Illuminated Psalter for the Use of the Convent of St. Mary of the Virgins at Venice" (1887); "Analecta

hturgica" (1889); "Gerard David" (1895); "Hans Memlinc: Biography; Pictures at Bruges" (1901); "Catalogue de I'ableaux des XI V, XV et XVr sidcles exposes k Bruges" (1902); "Hubert and John von Evck" (1907); "Peintres Brugeois" (1907-1912). ARTICLE: Datid, Gheeeaekt.

Webb, James Henry,, ll.b., b. at Santa Fe, New Mexico, 22 December, 1854. Education: Winchester Institute, Connecticut; Hudson River Institute, Claverach, New York; Massachusetts Agricultural College, Amherst; Yale University. Practising lawyer in Connecticut 1877- ; instruc- tor in Criminal Law and Procedure (1895-1910) and lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence (1910- ), Yale University; judge of the Superior Court of Connecti- cut, 1914- . Member American Bar Association, International Law Association, Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, American Academy of Political and Social Science. Collaborator in "Two Centuries' Growth of American Law" (by Mr. Webb: "Criminal Law and Procedure") (New Haven, 1901); edited American ed. of Kenny, "Outlines of Criminal Law" (New York, 1907).

ARTICLE: Connecticut.

Weber, Reverend Anselm, o.p.m., b. at New Salem, Allegan Co., Michigan, 10 November, 1862. Education: St. Francis College, Cincinnati, Ohio. Entered the Franciscan Order 1882; ordained 1889; professor (for several years lector in humanities), St. Francis College, Cincinnati, 1890-1898; missionary among the Navajos (1898-1900) and superior of the Navajo Mission (1900- ), St. Michael's, Arizona. Built a chapel at Chin Lee, Arizona, 1911; assisted in the pubUcation by the Franciscans of St. Michael's of "An Ethnologic Dictionary of the Navajo Lan- guage" (St. Michael's, 1910). Author of "Cate- chism of Christian Doctrine" (Navajo-English) (1910); contributor to: "Indian Sentinel"; "Der Sendbote des GoettUchen Herzens Jesu". ARTICLE: Navajo Indians.

Weber, Reverend Edward Ends, s.t.b., b. at Wheelmg, West Virginia, 13 March, 1870. Educa- tion: Cathedral parochial school, WheeUng; St. Charles College, EUicott City, and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. Ordained 1900; chancellor (1900- ) and secretary, Diocese of Wheeling.

ARTICLE: Wheeling, Diocese of.

Weber, Reverend Nicholas ALOYSitrs, s.m., d.d., b. at Krautergersheim, Alsace, Germany, 30 Novem- ber, 1876. Education: public schools, Krautergers- heim; Marist colleges at Differt, Belgium, Lyons, France, and Paignton, England; Marist College and Cathohc University, Washington, D. C, under Drs. Grannan, Shahan, and Shanahan. Entered the Society of Mary 1897; sent to Washington, D. C, 1898; ordained 1901; professor, Marist College, Atlanta, Georgia, 1901-1902; professor of Church history (1902- ) and of apologetics (1904^1911), Marist College, Washington. Author of: "History of Simony in the Christian Church from the Begin- ning to the Death of Charlemagne" (Baltimore, 1909).

ARTICLES: Albigenses; Avignon, Univebsity op; Bald- win, Francis; Balue, Jean; Baptists; Barbahigo, Giovanni Francesco; Barthel, Johann Caspar; Bartholomew of Brescia; Beaune, Renaud de; Bentivoglio Family; Berthold of Chiemsee; Behti, Giovanni Lorenzo; Besoldus, Christo- pher; Bogomili; Bolsbc, J]6R6ME-HERMi;s; Bonnard, Jean Louis, Venerable; Borie, Pierre-Rose-Ursule-Dumoulin; BoRROMEO, Andrea; Bourdeilles, H^lie de; Bourgade, Francois; Brancaccio; Braulio, Saint; Bucee, Martin; Galas Case, The; C^sariub of Nazianzus, Saint; Capuciati; Cassander, George; Cathari; Canedoni, Celestino; Chante- Lou, Claude; Clemens, Franz Jacob; Clement VI; Costadoni, Giovanni Domenico; Cotelier, Jean-Baptiste; Felbiger, Johann Ignaz von; Gudenus, Moritz; Hydatius op Lemica; Illuminati; Innocent V, Blessed, Pope; Innocent VI; Innocent VIII; Innocent IX, Popes; Janow, Matthew;