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sion of the Congregation of Rites, minutante of the Propaganda; under-seoretary of the Congregation of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs; prothonotary Apostolic 1911; .at present professor of Church history and Diplomatic Forms, Pontifical Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics. Author of: Propsedeutica historic ecclesiasticse, 2 vols.; Storia sociale della Chiesa, 2 vols.

ARTICLES: Academies, Roman; Audisio, Guglielmo; Bag- norea; Bari; Barquisimeto; Belltjno-Feltre; Benevento; Bergamo; Bertinoro; Bessarion, Johannes; Biei,la; Bisar- CHio; BoiANo; Bologna; Bohgo San-Donnino; Borgo San- Sepolcro; Bosa; Bova; Bovino; Brescia; Brindisi; Cagliari; Caqli b Pergola; Caiazzo; Caltaqirone; Caltanisetta; Calvi and Teano; Camerino; Camerlengo; Canelos and Macas; Capaccio and Vallo; Capecelatro, Alfonso; Capua; Cardinal Protector; Cariati; Carpi; Casale Monferrato; Casanare; Cabanate, Girolamo; Caserta; Cassano all Ionio; Castellammare di Stabia; Castellaneta; Catania; Catanzaro; Cattaro; Cava and Sahno; Cefal^t; Cenada; Cervia; Cesena; Chiavari; Chieti; Chioggia; Chiusi-Pienza; CittA Della Pievb; Citta di Castello; CivitA Castellana, Orte, and Gallese; Civitavecchia and Corneto; Codex Vaticanus; Colle di Val d'Elsa; Comacchio; Como; Con- cordia; Conversano; Conza; Cortona; Cosenza; Cotronb; CozzA-Luzi, Giuseppe; Crema; Cremona; Cuneo; Democracy, Christian; Diano; Domnus Apostolicus; Fabriano and Mate- Xiic A ; Faenz A ; Fano ; F arnese, Alessandro ; Ferentino ; Fermo ; Ferrara; Fiesole; Florence; Foggia; Foligno; Fohli; Fossa- no; Fossombrone; Frascati; Gaeta; Gallipoli; Galtelli-Nu- ORo; Galuppi, Pasquale; Genoa; Gerace; Giberti, Gian Mat^ TEo; Gioberti, Vincenzo; Girgenti; Gonzaga, Ercole; Gon- zaga, Scipione; Grassib, Paris de; GravinaandMontepeloso; Grobbeto; Guarantees, Law of; Guastalla; Gubbio; Igle- siAs; Imola; Indies, East, Patriarchate of the; Intendencia Oriental t Llanos de San Martin; Ischia; Isernia and Venafro; It alo-G reeks; Ivrea; Jesi; Lacedonia; Lambru- scHINi, Luigi, Cardinal; Lanciano and Ortona; Larino; Lecce; Leo XIII, Pope; Lippomano, Luigi; Litta, Alfonso AND Lorenzo; Lodi; Lucca; Lucera; Luni-Sarzana-Brugnato; Macerata and Tolentino; Machiavelli, Nicol6; Maffei, Raffablo; Magibtris, Simone de; Manpredonia; Mantua; Margotti, Giacomo; Marsi; Marsico, Nuovo and Potenza; Mass A Carrara; Massa Marittima; Mazzara del Vallo; Melfi and IIapolla; Messina; Mezzofanti, Giuseppe; Mi- lan; Mileto; Mint, Papal; Modena, Archdiocese and Uni- versity; Modigliana; Molfetta, Terlizzi, and Giovinazzo; Monaco; Mondovi; Monopoli; Monreale; Montalcino; Montalto; Montefeltro; Montefiascone; Montes Pieta- tis; Moroni, Gaetano; Muro-Lucano; Naples; Nard6; Narni AND Terni; Nepi and Sutri; Nic astro; Nicosia; Nicotera AND Tropea; Nocera; Nocbra dei Pagani; Nola; Non ex- pedit; Norcia; Noto; Novara; Nubco; Ogliastha; Oppido Mamertina; Oria; Oristano; Orvieto; Osimo; Ostia and Vel- LETRi; Otranto; Pacca, Bartolommeo; Padua, Diocese and University; Pagano, Mario; Palermo, Archdiocese and University; Palebtrina; Parma; Paruta, Paolo; Passaglia, Carlo; Passionei, Domenico; Patti; Pavia, Diocese and University; Penne and Athi; Periodical Literature, Italy; Perugia; Pesaro; Pescia; Piacenza; Piatto C ardinalizio ; Piazza Armerina; Piccolomini, Alessandro; Piccolomini- Ammannati, Jacopo; Pignatelli, Giuseppe Maria, Vener- able; Pinerolo; Pisa, Archdiocese and University; Pistoia AND Prato; Pius X; Poggio Mirteto; Policastro; Pomponazzi, Pibtro; Pontremoli; Porto and Santa-Rufina; Possevinub, Antonius; Pozzuoli; Propaganda, Sacred Congregation op; Ravenna; Recanati and Loreto; Reggio dell' Emilia; Reg- gio di Calabria; Rienzi, Cola di; Rieti; Rimini, Council of; Rimini, Diocebe of; Ripatranbonb; Roman Colleges; Rome; Rome, University of; Rossano; Rossi, Pellegrino; Rota, Sacra Romana; Ruvo and Bitonto; Sabina; Salerno, Diocese AND University of; Saluzzo; San Marco and Bibignano; San Marino; San Mahtino al Cimino; San Miniato; San Paolo; FUORi LE MORI CiMiNO; San SEVERING; Sanseverino, Gaetano; San Severo; Santa Agata dei Goti; Santa Lucia del Mela; Sant' Angelo de' Lombardi; Sant' Angelo in Vado and Ur- bania; Santa Severina; Sardinia; Sarsina; Sassari; Savona AND Noli; Segni; Sessa-Adrunca; Sicily; Siena, Archdiocese AND University; Sinigaglia; Siracusa; Solim6es, Superiore; Sorrento; Sovana and Pitigliano; Spedalieri, Nichola; Spoleto; Squillace; Suburbicarian Dioceses; Susa; Tanucci, Bernardo; Taranto; Telebe; Teramo; Termoli; Terracina, Sezze, and Piperno; Tivoli; Todi; Tortona; Trani and Bar- lbtta; Trapani; Thbvibo; Tricarico; Trinita di Cava dei TiRRBNi, Abbey op; Trivemto; Turin, Diocese and Univer- sity; Udine; Ugento; Ughelli, Fehdinando; Ultramontan- ibm; Urbino; Valla, Lorenzo; Valva and Salmona; Venice; Venosa; Ventimiglia; Venusti, Raffaele; Vercelli; Ver- gani, Paolo; Veboli; Verona; Vehhi, Pibtro; Vicenza; Vige- VANo; Villani, Giovanni; Viterbo and Toscanella; Volter- ra; Zita, St.

Bergh, Right Rbvubend Feederick Thomas O.S.B., b. in Devonshire, England, 9 October, 1840. Education: Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Benedictine Order 1861; ordained 1869; Superior of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate, 1877-1905; abbot 1896; at present visitor of the Cassinese Bene-

dictine monasteries in England; chaplain of the Daughters of the Cross, Carshalton, Surrey. Oc- casional contributor to reviews. ARTICLES: Genuflexion; Sabum Rite.

Berlioz, Right Reverend Alexandre, Society of Foreign Missions, Bishop of Hakodate, Japan, b. at Serrieres-en-Chautagne, Savoy, 12 September, 1852. Education: school, SerriSres; College of Pont- de-Beauvoisin; Seminary, Chamb6ry; Seminary of Foreign Missions, Paris. Ordained and sent to China 1875; under-procurator at Hong-kong 1876-1877; stationed at Marseilles, France, 1877-1879; Northern Japan mission 1879-1891; Bishop of Hakodate 1891. Contributor to the "Ko Kyo Zasshi", the Japanese CathoUc review, 1888-1891.

ARTICLE: Hakodate.

Bertreux, Right Reverend Jean Ephrem, s.m., S.T.D., b. at Saint Jean de Boiseau, France, 13 Jan- uary, 1853. Education: College at Couets and Seminary at Nantes, France. Soldier in the Volun- teers of the West, under de Charette, Franco- Prussian War, 1870-1871 ; ordained and entered the Society of Mary 1878; missionary in the Fiji Islands (vicar- general of the diocese 1888-1902) 1879-1902; perfect Apostolic (1902-1912) and vicar ApostoHc (1912- ), South Solomon Islands; titular Bishop of Musti 1912- . Author of pamphlets on subjects connected with the Fiji Islands.

ARTICLE: Solomon Islands, Southern.

Bertrin, AbbA Canon, Georges Michel, Litt.D., b. at Sainte-Bazeille, Lot-et-Garonne, France, 7 July, 1851. Education: Seminary, Agen; Cathohc Uni- versity, Paris; Sorbonne. Ordained 1876; succes- sively teacher in the Preparatory Seminary, and professor of rhetoric at the College of St. Caprasius, Agen, 1876-1886; master of conferences (1889), assistant professor of ancient literatures (1889-1899), and professor of French Uterature (1899- ), Catholic Institute, Paris; honorary canon of several dioceses. Fellow of the Cathohc University of Paris; member of: the Association of Former Pupils of the Sorbonne; of Former Pupils of the Cathohc Institute, Paris ; of French j ournalists . Aiithor of : " Les grandes figures cathohques du temps pr&ent", 4 vols. (Paris, 1895; new ed. 1905); "La question homSrique" (Paris, 1897); "Chateaubriand" (Paris, 1900); "Cic^ron et la conjuration de Catilina" (Latin thesis) (Paris, 1900); "Saint Laurent O'Toole" (Paris, 1903); "La criminality en France" (1904); "Histoire critique des fivenements de Lourdes" (1905; new ed. 1910); "Sainte-Beuve et Chateaubriand" (1906); "Etudes sur les Lettres philosophiques de Voltaire" (1908); "Un mu'acle d'aujourd'hui"^ (1909); "Ce que rSpondent les adversaires de Lourdes, r6plique k un midicin allemand" (1910; new ed. 1911); collaborator in: "Nouveau Larousse Illustr6" (ecclesiastical definitions); " Diotionnaire apolog^tique de la foi cathohque"; contributor to: "Le Correspondant", L'Enseignement chr^tien", "La Revue pratique d'apolog^tique."

ARTICLES: Chateaubriand, Franqois-Ren^ de; La Bruy- ^RE, Jean de; Lamartine, Alphonse de; Le Sage, Alain- Ren^; Lourdes, Notre Dame de; Maistre, Joseph-Marie, Comte de; Maistre, Xavier de; Miracle Plays and Mys- teries; Moli^re; Montaigne, Michel-Eyquen de; Olivier, de LA Marche; Ozanam,Antoine~Fr^d^ric; Rabelais, Francois; ROLLiN, Charles; SiSvign^, Marie de-Rabutin-Chantal; Swetchine, Sophie-Jeanne Soymonof; Tassin, Ren^-Prosper;


Wallon, Henri-Alexandre.

Besse, Reverend Jean Martial Leon, o.s.b. b. at Saint-Angel, Corrfeze, France, 1861. Entered the Benedictine Order at Solesmes 1881; ordained 1886; transferred to the Abbey of Ligug6, Vienne, 1885; master of novices and sub-prior, Ligug6, 1889; director of the first group of religious charged with the restoration of the Abbey of Saint Wandrille