Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/42

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tion, Federation of Illinois Colleges. Member of: Mis- soiiri Conference of Colleges; Civic League of St. Louis. Author of: "Why Study Latin and Greek?" (pamphlet). ARTICLE: Univeesities: United States-Loyola Univer-

Burtsell, Vekt Reverend Monsignor Richard Lalob, Ph.D., S.T.D., b. in New York, 14 April, 1840, son of John Low BurtseU and Dorothea Morrough; d. at Kingston, New York, 4 February, 1912. Educa- tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; College de Montreal, Montreal ; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained and assistant to Monsignor T. S. Preston, St. Ann's Church, New York, 1862; pastor, Epiphany Church, 1868; pastor, St. Benedict the Moor's Church (for colored people), 1883; defensor vinculi and synodal examiner, archdiocese of New York, 1886; pastor, St. Mary's Church, Kingston, New York, 1890-1912; dean of Ulster and Sullivan Counties 1901-1912; president of the City of Kingston Hospital; president of the Benedictine Sanitarium; trustee of the Kings- ton Library; president and founder of the Home of the Holy Childhood; private chamberlain to Pope Pius X. Formed the Epiphany parish. New York, erecting and consecrating the church and building school; purchased church of St. Benedict the Moor; theologian of Bishop Moore of St. Augustine, Florida, and assigned to Committees on Discipline of the Clergy and on the Catechism, Third Plenary Council of Baltimore; consecrated St. Mary's Church, Kings- ton; active in the formation of a 'Theological Society in New York and in the union of Catholic Sun- day schools; showed great interest in the extension of the provisions of canon law to the United States by writings in the Catholic papers, etc. Former member of the Catholic Historical Society; the New York Historical Society; the Numismatic Society. Author of: "The Canonical Status of Priests in the United States" (New York, 1888); contributor to: "The CathoUc World"; various CathoUc papers of Pitts- burg and Philadelphia; at one time assistant-editor of the "New York Tablet"

ARTICLES: Acceptance; Acts, Canonical; Admonitions, Canonical; Adoption, Canonical; Advocatus Diaboli; Af- finity (in the Canon Law); Apparitor; Appeal as from an Abuse; Approbation; Benefit of Clergy; Celebret; Con- sanguinity; Crime, Impediment of; Defender of the Matri- monial Tie.

Burton, Reverend Edwin Hubert, d.d., b. in London, 12 August, 1870, son of Major Edwin Burton, of the Royal Fusihers, and Sarah Mary, daughter of T. MosdeU Smith. Education: St. James's School, Slough, England; St. Edmund's College, Ware; Ushaw; Oscott. Law student 1888- 1893; assistant secretary London Council, St. Vincent de Paul Society, 1892-1894; solicitor. High Court of Justice, 1893; ordained 1898; curate, St. Mary and Michael's, London, 1898; on staff of St. Edmund's College, Ware, 1898- ; vice-president (1902- ), professor of Church history (1907- ), Weld lecturer in ascetic theology (1909- ), St. Edmund's College. Honorary degree from Pope Pius X, 1905; member of the General Committee and assistant M. C. at the Eucharistic Congress, London, 1908. Fellow of the Royal Numismatic Society; the Royal His- torical Society; member of: the BibUographical Society; the Council of the East Herts Archaeological Society; the Authors' Club; one of the founders and member of the Council of the Catholic Record Society. Author of: "Catalogue of Books in the Libraries at St. Edmund's College, Old Hall, printed in England, and of Books written by Englishmen printed abroad to the year 1640" (privately printed, 1902); "Yesterday Papers" (privately printed, 1908); "Life and Times of Bishop Challoner", 2 vols. (London, 1909); Biographical sketches of Bishop Challoner, Bishop Talbot, and Bishop Milner, Catholic Truth

Society; "The New Psalter and Its Use", in collabo- ration with Rev. Edward Myers (London, 1912); edited: "Sermons Preached in St. Edmund's College Chapel" (London, 1904); "Meditations on the Passion by Richard RoUe, Hermit of Hampole, done into Modern English" (London, 1906); (with Reverend J. H. Pollen, S.J.) "Biographies of English Catholics in the Eighteenth Century, by Reverend John Kirk, D.D."; "Lives of the Enghsh Martyrs" Second Series, Vol. I (London, 1913) ; (with Reverend Thomas L. WiUiams, M.A.) "The Third, Fourth, and Fifth Douay Diaries" (Cathohc Record Society's pubUcations, Vol. X, 1911); contributor to: "Dublin Review"; editor of: "The Edmundian" (1899- ). ARTICLES: Archpriest Controversy; Bailey, Thomas; Baines, Ralph, Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry; Bangor; Barlow, William Rudesind; Barton, Elizabeth; Bath and Wells; Battle Abbey; Bell, James, Martyr; Behisford, Humphrey, Confessor; Beverly Minster; Bonner, Ed- mund, Bishop of London; Bristol; Bury St. Edmund's, Abbey of; Canterbury; Capgrave, John; Carlisle; Ceadda, Saint; Cbdd, Saint; Cellier, Elizabeth; Cesarini, Giuliano; Chadwick, James; Challoner, Richard; Champnet, Anthony; Chester; Chichester; Christian Knowledge, Society fob Promoting; Clement, Cesar; Clenock, Maurice; Clerk, John, Bishop op Bath and Wells; Clifton; Codrington, Thomas; Colbt, John; Constable, Cuthbert; Cordell, Charles; Daniel, John; Darrell, William; Davenport, Christopher; De Lisle, Ambrose Lisle March Philupps; DiGBY, George; Dorman, Thomas; Drane, Augusta Theo- dosia; Durham; Easton, Adam; Egbert; Ellis, Philip Michael; Ely; - Englefield, Felix; Englefield, Sir Henry Charles, Bart.; Erdeswicke, S.^mpson; Errington, William; Erskine, Charles; Ethelbert, Archbishop of York; Eustace, John Chetwoode; Evangelical Alliance; Exeter, See of; Eyre, Thomas; Eyston, Charles; Falkneb, Thomas; Fenn, John; Finch, John, Venerable; Fitzalan, Henry; Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony; Fleming, Richard, Bishop of Lincoln; Fletch- er, John; Floyd, John; Formby, Henry; Fowler, John; Gar- diner, Stephen; Geoffrey of Dunstable; Geoffrey op Mon- mouth; Gerard, Archbishop of York; Gervase of Canter- bury; Gesta Romanorum; Goffe, Stephen; Goss, Alexander; Grant, Thomas; Green, Thomas Louis; Guilds, in England; Harding, Thomas; Hardyng, John; H.^rrison, William; Heath, Nicholas; Henry of Herford; Henry of Hunting- don; Hereford; Higden, Ranulf; Holden, Henry; Hornyold, John Joseph; Iblip, Simon; Jaenbebt, Archbishop of Can- terbury; Jenks, Silvester; Jocelin de Brakelond; Jocelin of Wells; John of Cornwall; Joseph of Exeter; Justus, Saint; Kemp, John; Kilwardby, Robert; Knighton, Henry; Langham, Simon; Lawrence, Saint; Lichfield; Lincoln; Llandaff; London; Lucas, Frederick; Malmesbury, Monk of; Marian Priests; Marshall, Thomas William; Matthew, Sir Tobie; Milo Ceispin; Morton, John; Monsell, William, Baron Emly; Montfobt, Simon de; Mush, John; Nicholson, Francis; Noble, Daniel; Northcote, James Spencer; Nor- wich; Offa, King op Mercia; Old Hall; Oldham, Hugh; Palmer, William; Pandulph, Bishop of Norwich; Panzani; Gregorio; Paulinus, Saint; Pecock, Reginald; Penal Laws IN England; Penal Laws in Scotland; Pendleton, Henry; Peyto, William; Phillip, Robert; Pilgrimage of Grace; Pitts, John; Plantagenet, Henry Beaufort; Plegmund, Archbishop of Canterbury; Plowden, Edmund; Plymouth Brethren; Pullen, Robeet; Puritans; Quin, Michael Jo- seph; Rathborne, .Joseph; Recusants, English; Repington, Philip; Revolution, English, of 1688; Reynolds, William; RiCAHDus Anglicus; Richard of Cirencester; Richard of Cornwall; Richard of Middletown; Ripon, Marquess of, George Fbederick Samuel Robinson; Rishangeb, William; RisHTON, Edward; Rivington, Luke; Robert of JumiJjges; Robertson, James Burton; Rochesteh; Rock, Daniel; Roger, Bishop of Worcester; Rokewode, John Gage; RoLLE DE Hampole, Richard; Rolph, Thomas; Russell, Charles William; Russell, Richard; Sadler, Thomas Vin- cent Faustus; Saint Asaph, Ancient Diocese of; Saint- John, Ambrose; Sala, George Augustus Henry; Salisbury; Sampson, Richard; Sandemanians; Seekers; Sergeant, John; Sheldon, Edward; Sherwood, William; Simeon of Durham; Simpson, Richard; Smith, Richard (1500-63); Smith, Richard, Bishop of Chalcedon (1568-1655) ; Sodor and Man; Spencer, The Hon. George; Stanyhurst, Richard; Stapleton, Theo- bald; Stapleton, Thomas; Stuart, Henry; Sutton, Sir Rich- ard; Tatwin, Saint; Taxster, John de; Theobald, Archbishop of Canterbury; Thomas of Beckington; Thomas of Brad- wardinb; Thomas of Hereford, Saint; Thomas Percy, Blessed; Thompson, Edward Healy; Tichborne, ThoMas, Venerable; Tierney, Mark Aloysius; Tootell, Hugh; Touchet, George Anselm; Treason, Accusations op; The- GiAN, Francis; Trivet, Nicholas; Trokelowe, Throwlow or Thorlow, John de; Trumwin, Saint; Tunstall, Cuthbert; Twiketal of Croyland; Ullerston, Richard; Uniformity Acts; Vane, Thomas; Vaughan, Roger William; Vergil, Polydore; Ward, Margaret, Venerable; Ward, Thomas; Ward, William, Venerable; Warham, William; Waterson, Edward, Venerable; Watebworth, James; Welbourne, Thomas, Venerable; Wharton, Christopher, Venerable: Whitakeb, Thomas, Venerable; Whitehead, Thomas, Vener- able; White, vers Gwyn, Richard, Venerable; White,