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to become, from this very moment, what I shall certainly wish to have been at the hour of my death. I resolve to adopt all the means I know to be necessary for preserving thy grace, and persevering in virtue. I resolve to discharge my spiritual duties with the utmost fidelity, to employ my time carefully, and in the manner that thou requirest, since I must account for every moment of it to thee. I resolve to strive particularly against those faults I am most accustomed to commit, and to avoid those dangerous occasions which have hitherto led me into s:n.

These are my firm resolutions, O my God! but I tremble when I consider my former inconstancy and my present weakness. I do not deserve those graces I have so often abused: but notwithstanding, since thou knowest I can do nothing without thee, I humbly hope thou wilt give me the grace and strength necessary for persevering in thy love, and keeping most faithfully the resolutions I now make. Preserve me, O Lord, from presumptuous confidence in my own strength, for that alone would cause my fall. Alas! there are many now in hell, who at some period of their mortal life felt more fervour, more sorrow for sin, and made more firm purpose of amendment than I do; I also may deserve to be abandoned by thee. My God and only hope! leave me not to myself — accept my resolutions, but do thou give them efficacy; permit me to place them in thy hands, in thy sacred heart, and under the protection of thy blessed Mother, and my g66d Angel; that thus my weakness may be powerfully assisted, and that I may be preserved from the misfortune of a relapse into sin.