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pardon not only all the evil thoughts and vain imaginations I have ever conceived of myself, but also those which I might have excited in the minds of others. Amen.

O most pious Lord Jesus! I, a poor sinner, humbly remind thee of all the words of mercy which have ever fallen from thy sacred lips, or which others have uttered, or may hereafter utter to the glory of thy holy name; and earnestly beseech thee, through these divine expressions, to forgive whatever I have spoken offensive to thee, or what others, through my means, may have sinfully uttered. Amen.

O most amiable Lord Jesus Christ! look back on all the good works thou hast performed for our salvation, and be pleased now to pardon whatever I have committed against thee: mercifully direct all my thoughts, words, and actions, to thy greater glory, and regulate them by the model of thy blessed life. Amen.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, who invitest the sinner to return to thee, kindly receiving, refreshing, and consoling him; remember, that with thy precious blood thou wert pleased to redeem me. To thy sacred wounds I fly for refuge; and as, in thy mercy, thou didst pray for thy enemies, and pour forth thy life for thy persecutors and tormentors, impart also to me the benefit of thy passion. Grant that I may never again crucify thee by my offences, but that sincerely repenting my past offences, and resolutely resisting future temptations, I may persevere till death in thy service.

Into thy hands, O Lord! I commend my whole being. Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.

I sincerely detest all my past sins, and am firmly resolved, O Lord, through the assistance of thy divine