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with the brightest light; inflames the heart with the sacred fire of charity; it points out and makes us love our duties; it strengthens us to fulfil them; it moderates the violence of passion, and it penetrates the soul with such sweet and holy peace, as must be felt to be understood. To say all in one word, a worthy Communion unites us so intimately to God, and procures for us such an abundant infusion of his gifts and graces, as caused a father of the Church to say, that “ a single Communion would suffice to make a saint.” Consider these truths seriously. Reflect with holy transport on the glory and happiness within your reach. Convinced of the infinite excellence of the adorable Sacrament which you are preparing to receive, banish all other cares, that you may devoutly dispose yourself for that wonderful union with God, which was never granted to angels. But as this work is far beyond your power, beg earnestly of that God of love, whom you are about to receive, to give you such ardent desires of enjoying the happiness of worthy Communion, as will urge you to remove every obstacle to so great a blessing. O my good God! if I really felt how delightful it is to be united to thee, how soon would I despise every other pleasure, and sigh after thee alone, for whom alone I was created. Thou knowest that I desire at least to receive thee worthily; deign then to penetrate my soul with respect and love, that I may so fervently prepare for thy heavenly visit, as never to find death in the fountain of life.

Second Day.

The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ applied to the Holy Communion.

First point. — Consider, first, that when Jesus Christ