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mitted in the reception of this sacrament, and for my negligence and unworthiness in approaching. Thou though always holy, pure and innocent, didst; become still more chaste, pure, and holy after the birth of thy Son, the grace of God not being void in thee. Oh! that I might obtain from this Sacrament, such holiness, that henceforward I may preserve my heart and body pure from every deadly stain of sin. Thou having conceived thy Son by the Holy Ghost, didst chant magnificent praises, and wonderfully exult in God thy Saviour, obtain through thy merits and prayer, O Virgin mother, that I may receive in this holy Communion a new and ardent spirit, which will ever pour itself forth in pious thanksgiving, that I may never prove myself ungrateful to my Redeemer and my Guest, but may be faithful to him in every service and ministry. Amen.


BEHOLD ! already my God has. come to visit me, already my Saviour is come to dwell in my soul, already my Jesus is within me; he is come to be one with me, and to make me one with him, so that Jesus pow belongs to me, and I belong to Jesus. Yes ! Jesus is all mine, and I am all his. O infinite goodness! O infinite mercy! O infinite love ! a God has united himself with me, a God who desires to be wholly mine! O my soul, now, that thou art so closely united to Jesus, now that thou art one with him, what art thou doing? Hast thou nothing to say to him? Wilt thou not speak to thy God who is present within thee? Awaken then thy faith anew, remember that the Angels are around about thee adoring their God, who now dwells in thy heart. Adore thy Lord with them ! Keep recollected, and