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abode with so sweet an odour as may make it agreeable to thee. Thy Eucharistic life, which is wholly interior and absorbed in God, shall henceforth be the model of mine. If I put no obstacle in the way, thou thyself, my heavenly spouse, wilt teach me to think and judge of things as thou judgest and thinkest of them. I will henceforth leave myself entirely to thy divine guidance. Let my soul be as a canvas on which thou mayest trace thy own portrait. Grant that I may endeavour to please thee alone, not according to my ideas, but to thine; not in preventing thy inspirations by my own efforts, but in a faithful correspondence with them. Grant me to fulfil, in thy regard, the duties of a spouse, as thou fulfillest in mine the obligations of that sacred character. Thou, my spouse, art faithful; thou wilt never be wanting to me. Thou art generous; whatever can be advantageous to my soul thou wilt give me, or at least thou wilt offer me. Thou art disinterested; thou seekest only my happiness in the benefits thou conferrest upon me. From thy example I also will be faithful; faithful in never wilfully offending thee; this will be something, but still very little for a spouse to do; faithful in seeking in all things to please thee; this reaches to infinity, and comprises every degree of perfection; but thou, my divine spouse, wilt teach me all that I should do to correspond with thy designs upon me, if I am attentive to thy instructions. I will be generous, giving all that thou demandest of me. Grant that I may sacrifice to thee whatever depends on me; and what I have not courage to give, tear from me: for I desire to be unreservedly thine. How full of sweetness art thou, O my Saviour, to a soul that loves thee! truly, there is not on earth a happiness to be