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wounded for our iniquities, he was bruised for our sins: the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and by his bruises we are healed." ( Isau liii. 5.) O that I could correspond with the greatness of his love by due feeling of gratitude, I acknowledge thy power, O heavenly Physician, and I place my whole confidence in thy mercy. Grant that I may loathe my disorders as thou loathest them; that I may be as anxious to receive my health as thou to bestow it upon me. Come then, O charitable Physician, for health, strength, life, and all that I desire, will come to me together with thee.


BEHOLD, O most amiable Physician, the number and depth of the wounds I have received from my enemies: my unmortified passions of pride, ambition, avarice, sensuality, anger and envy. My mind is filled with error and delusion, my imagination is disordered, my passions are headstrong, my senses are under no control. I labour under such a complication of diseases that no human aid can avail me. Heal me, therefore, I beseech thee, in order to display, thy power, and show forth the glory of thy name. If the touch of thy garments, O my Saviour! whilst thou wert upon earth, cured all sorts of diseases, shall not thy most precious body and blood, which thou hast given me as food, produce the same wonderful effects?

But thou, my soul, who hast recourse to thy divine Physician for health, art thou sincerely desirous of being cured? He now puts the question to thee as he once did to the paralytic at the pond of Bethsaida, "Wilt thou be made whole?" (John v. 6.) Thou canst not reply as did this poor cripple, that