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Not to do so, while it can be done, is a monstrous insensibility.

[Disclaim every love but that of God alone, and endeavor to love him above all things.]

“If I have not charity, I am nothing.” — 1 Cor. xiii.


1. Nothing was ever purchased at so dear a rate as my soul. A divine life was given to redeem it. I deserved hell: justice cried out for punishment; but Christ would listen only to the love he bore me; it pleaded in my behalf, and I obtained forgiveness. If I return him not life for life, the least I can do is to return him love for love.

2. The dog that I feed, watches, caresses, and attends me. Jesus has given his blood for me, and continues to give me himself; yet I am still insensible. Learn, then, ungrateful soul— learn, I say, thy duty from a brute ! If his example make not an impression on thy heart, thou art more insensible to benefits than he is.

3. We can feel for our friends; we are not insensible of the good they do us; we pique ourselves upon gratitude. Shall we then be ungrateful only to Christ? Shall he alone find us hard-hearted? Had we ever a friend that sacrificed himself for us?

[Beg the love of Jesus, from Jesus himself. Without his grace we shall never be able to love him.]

“ If any one love not the Lord Jesus, let him be accursed " — i Cor. vi.

“If I belong to him entirely for having created me, what shall I add for having redeemed, and redeemed mo in so excellent a manner.”— Bernard.


1. If we love not our neighbour we cannot love God. Whatever good we do is to no purpose, if we