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1. Let us have as much zeal for God as he has for us. He acts exteriorly but for the perfection of our souls. All the desires of his heart — all the cares of his providence — all the tenderness of his mercy — are referred to this. Oh! what a subject of confusion for tepid souls!

2. Were we to judge of God by our own indifference, it might be said that he does not deserve our services, and that his rewards are very trifling. What idea can be had of a master whose servants attend him carelessly, and without the smallest affection? We dishonour God, we cry down his services, as often as we perform negligently what he requires of us. Wo be to the man who does the work of God without attention!

3. An action done for God, how trifling soever it may be, is of far greater value than the most renowned exploits of heroes. If we pique ourselves upon so much courage in labouring for vanity, what' should be done when we are employed for eternity ! What! the servants of the devil spare no pains — they do not complain of what they go through — they are ever indefatigable. Is Jesus Christ less deserving of consideration than the devil? Is paradise less valuable than hell? Hell then shall be, as it were, our instructor: we are to love God as much as the damned hate him: we are to serve God as much as the world serves the devil. Is this too much?

[Examine your conduct with respect to the service of God: consider the actions, in which you are most remiss, and excite yourself to perform them henceforth with a fervour worthy your Master.]

“ Fervent in spirit serving the Lord.”— Romans.

“ Let the ardour you formerly had for the world, be now entertained for him who created it.”— St. Austin.