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adoration and obedience: from all thy creatures for ever. Amen.

And since thou hast ordained the day to labour, and the night to rest; as I praise thee for the blessings of this day, so I implore thy protection for this night to come. Let the eyes of thy providence watch over me, and thy holy angels set their guard about me; that, being safely delivered from all dangers, and healthily refreshed with moderate sleep, I may the better be enabled to perform the employments of my calling and state of life, and faithfully persevere in the discharge of the duties of thy service; and so daily advance to new victories over my passions, and to a more perfect observance of thy commandments; till, having passed my days in thy fear, I may end them in thy favour, and rejoice with thee for ever in thy heavenly kingdom: through Jesus Christ our Lord and only Saviour, who, with thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen.


O DREAD Lord, and most indulgent Father of mercies, I, a wretched worm, have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy servant, much less to be accounted thy child, having repaid so much bounty with contempt, and so many benefits with ingratitude. Where shall I find punishment enough to atone for my sins, or tears enough to wash out my iniquities? Alas! I grieve not merely at those pains which I have deserved for my sins; it pierces my very heart that I have offended a God who ought to be beloved and honoured above all things. What shall I say, O Lord, in detestation of the crimes I