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Jesus falls the second time.

V. We adore thee, etc,

CONSIDER the second fall of Jesus under the Cross; a fall which renews the pain of all the wounds of his head and members.

My most sweet Jesus, how many times thou hast pardoned me, and how many times have I fallen again, and begun again to offend thee! Oh! by the merits of this second fall, give me the necessary helps to persevere in thy grace until death. Grant that in all temptations which assail me I may always commend myself to thee. I love thee, Jesus, my love, above all things. I repent, &c.

Pater , Ave , Gloria.


Jesus speaks to the Daughters of Jerusalem.

V. We adore thee, etc.

CONSIDER how those women wept with compassion at seeing Jesus in so pitiable a state, streaming with blood as he walked along. “ Daughters of Jerusalem,” he said, " weep not over me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.”

My Jesus, laden with sorrows, I weep for the offences I have committed against thee, because of the pains they have deserved, and still more because of the displeasure they have caused thee, who hast loved me so much. It is thy love, more than the fear of hell, which causes me to weep for my sins. My Jesus, I love thee more than myself. I repent, etc.

Pater, Ave, Gloria.