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Six Prayers of St. Bridget;

To be said in honor of the Sacred Wounds of our Blessed Saviour.

O MOST sweet Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal sweetness of those who love thee; the joy, desire, and firm hope of the hopeless; solace of the sorrowful, and most merciful lover of all penitent sinners; who hast said thy delight is to be with the sons of men. for the love of whom thou didst assume human nature in the fulness of time; remember, O most sweet Lord Jesus, all those sharp sorrows which did pierce thy sacred soul, from the first instant of thy incarnation, until the time of thy sorrowful passion, pre-ordained from all eternity: remember, O most amiable Saviour, all that bitter anguish thou didst suffer, when at thy last supper thou didst wash the feet of thy disciples, didst feed them with the sacred banquet of thy precious body and blood, and most sweetly comforting them, didst foretell them thy ensuing passion; after which, going to Mount Olivet, thou saidst, My soul is sorrowful unto death. Remember, I beseech thee, O most sweet Saviour, that bitter grief and anguish which thy sacred soul did suffer when, praying three several times to thy heavenly Father, thou didst sweat water and blood; thou wast betrayed by thy own disciple, apprehended by thy chosen people, accused by false witnesses, unjustly arraigned before three judges, and in thy chosen city, in the Paschal solemnity, in the flourishing age of thy youth, wrongfully condemned, bound, beaten, spurned, spit upon, despoiled of thy garments, and clothed with others in scorn; wast blindfolded, buffeted, spit upon again, bound naked to a pillar, most cruelly scourged, crowned with thorns, struck with a reed, and afflicted with innumerable other torments,