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who professedly deride and contemn it. Next, you should make the sign of the Cross frequently. This is inculcated by the example of the primitive Christians, who by this sacred sign, consecrated themselves to God, and implored his blessing in every action. It is also strongly recommended by all the great saints and fathers of the Church; among the rest by the devout St. Ephraim, who says, speaking on this subject: “ Cover thyself with the sign of the Cross, as with a shield, signing with it thy limbs and thy heart. Arm thyself with this sign at thy studies, and at all times, for it is the conqueror of death — the opener of the gates of paradise — the great guard of the Church. Fail not to carry this armour about with thee in every place, every day and night, every hour and moment. Whether thou art at work, or eatest, or drinkest, or travellest, or whatsoever else thou dost, sign and arm thyself with the saving sign of the Cross. Sign with it thy bed; and whatever thou usest, sign it at first with the sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. This is an invincible armour, and no one can hurt thee, if thou art armed with it.” Endeavour to reduce this strong admonition so fervently to practice, that your most devout and ordinary actions, the beginning and end of all your duties, may be the sign of the Cross; but be particularly exact in following the directions of your Catechism on this head, and never fail to make it with faith, devotion, and confidence, in all temptations and dangers, and before and after prayer.

Lastly, you should make the sign of the Cross openly, because it is by this sign that you show yourself a Christian, and prove that you do not blush at the Cross and humiliations of your God and crucified