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approach with more confidence to his divine heart. Let us draw near, then, with great confidence and lore. Let us unite ourselves to him, and ask him for his holy grace.

WHAT joy ought mine to be, O eternal Word made man, and hidden in this Sacrament for me, knowing that I am in thy presence, that thou art my God, that thou art infinite in majesty, infinite in goodness, and that thou hast such a tender regard for my soul! O all ye souls who love God, whereever you are, in heaven or on earth, love him for me too! Mary, my Mother! help me to love him: and thou, most loving Lord, render thyself the object of all my affections; make away with all my will; take possession of me entirely I consecrate to thee my whole mind, so that I may think always of thy goodness; I consecrate to thee my body also, so that it may assist me to please thee; I consecrate to thee my soul, so that it may be always thine. How I desire, O Beloved of my soul, that all men knew the tenderness of thy love for them! They would then all live only to honour and please thee, as thou desirest and deservest. As for me, at least, let me live always thus, charmed with thy infinite beauty! I desire to do all in my power hereafter to make myself agreeable in thy sight.

I resolve, moreover, to abandon anything, no matter what it may be, so soon as I shall know that such is thy desire, no matter what suffering it may cause me, if I were called even to lose my life. Happy would I be to lose all and gain thee, O my God, my treasure, my love, my all!

Short prayer to remember and repeat. — “ Jesus my love, take me entirely, possess me entirely.”

The Spiritual Communion, as before, page 323.