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was kept, could not help entering to visit it, for he said it was not becoming for one to pass before the house of his friend without going in to greet him, and to say one word at least. But he was not contented with a word, he always remained in presence of his dearly beloved Lord as long as he was permitted.

MY only, my infinite Good, I understand full well why thou hast been pleased to institute this Sacrament, and to remain thus upon this altar: it is to gain my love, and for the same reason thou hast given me a heart capable of loving much. Why, then, thankless sinner that I am! do I not love thee, or why do I love thee so little? No! it is not just to love feebly a goodness so worthy of love as thine. Thy love to me deserves a far greater return of love on my part. Thou art the infinite God, and I am only a miserable worm of the earth. It would be but little if I were to die, to become annihilated for thee, since for me thou hast died, and for love of me thou dost sacrifice thyself daily upon the altar. Much thou deservest to be loved, and 1 desire to love thee much. Help me, my Jesus, help me to love thee, that thus I may do what is so pleasing in thy sight, and what thou demandest so earnestly of me?

Short prayer to remember and repent. — "My beloved is mine, and I am his.”

The Spiritual Communion, page 323.


ST, Paul, praising the obedience of Jesus Christ, says that he was “ obedient unto death ” to his Eternal Father. (Phil, ii.) But in this Sacrament our