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order that they may know thee. Deliver, through thy merits, all who are in purgatory, or at least comfort those suffering souls which thou hast already chosen to be thy spouses for eternity. I adore thee, I thank thee, and I love thee with all the souls that love thee at this moment, whether on earth or in heaven. O most pure and holy Heart of Jesus, purify my heart from all attachment to creatures, and fill it with thy holy love. O most tender Heart of Jesus, take possession of my whole heart in such a way that it may be all thine own, and may always be .able to repeat with confidence: “ Who shall •separate me from the love of God, which is in Jesus Christ?” (Rom. viii.) O most holy Heart, engrave in my heart those bitter pains which thou didst suffer on the earth for so many years, and with such great love for me, so that, moved to compassion at the sight, I may always desire, or at least suffer with patience for thy sake, all the pains of this life. O most humble Heart of Jesus, impart to me thy spirit of humility. O most gentle heart of Jesus, lend me something of thy gentleness. Take away from my heart all that does not please thee, convert it entirely to thee, so that it may will nothing, wish nothing, except what thou wilt. In a word, so dispose of me that I may live only to obey thee, to love thee, and to please thee. 1 acknowledge that I am most deeply in thy debt; yes, that I am bound to thee by the heaviest obligations, and it would be still only a small return if I could annihilate and sacrifice myself entirely for thee.

Short prayer to remember and repeat. — “ O Heart of Jesus, thou only shalt be master in my heart!”

The Spiritual Communion, page 323.