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the inordinate cravings of my rebellious flesh. Obtain for me, I beseech you, a holy hatred of myself, that I may courageously enter upon the narrow path of penance which leads to life. Suffer me not, most loving Patron, by pampering my flesh, and treating it with a shameful delicacy, to engage in the broad road that inevitably leads to perdition. May the Almighty, through your intercession, dart upon me one ray of heavenly light, by which I may be convinced that I have not a more dangerous enemy than myself, and that I must consider and treat myself as such, by labouring without ceasing to subdue my sinful inclinations, and to restrain my self-love. This, assisted by your protection, and animated by your example, I resolve to do. Amen.


GREAT Saint, whose angelical purity was never sullied with the slightest stain, and who during the whole course of your life were, by a singular favour of heaven, exempted from even the faintest attacks of the unclean spirit! I behold with admiration and respect this perfect innocence, whose lustre, out of the reach of the infectious breath of the devil, surpasses the whiteness of lilies. But I feel greatly humbled and confounded in the presence of a soul so pure and holy, having nothing to offer to your chaste looks but a soul defiled with so many sins: I now am sincerely sorry for them. You can, by your intercession, obtain the pardon of them. Be my protector and advocate with the Sovereign Judge; offer to Jesus Christ and to his holy Mother, my sighs and tears. Obtain for me from God a sincere chastity, that may not leave even the shadow of crime in my thoughts, my sentiments, and desires. Impress my