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thanks for that cruel pain, endured for me with so much love and charity. I condole with thee in thy sufferings, and with thy most afflicted Mother. Deliver me from the pains of hell; grant me patience in the adversities of this life, and conformity in all things to thy blessed will. I offer to thee all my sufferings of body and soul, in satisfaction for my sins, which have so often deserved eternal torments. Pardon all my enemies, and all those who bear ill-will against me. Grant patience to the sick, and restore them to health, and support with thy assisting grace all who are in their agony, that they may not perish.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory, etc.

O LORD Jesus Christ! I humbly adore the most sacred wound of thy right hand. I thank thee for that cruel pain, endured for me with so much love and charity. I condole with thee in thy sufferings, and with thy most afflicted Mother. Grant me a firm and resolute will in all things relating to my salvation. Bless me with final perseverance in grace, that I may secure the enjoyment of that glory which was purchased at the price of thy most precious blood. Grant also, my Jesus, speedy peace and repose to the souls in purgatory, and daily advance towards perfection thy holy servants in this world, especially those who are of this congregation.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory, etc.

O LORD Jesus Christ! I humbly adore the most sacred wound in thy blessed side. I thank thee for the immense love manifested towards us at the opening of thy inflamed heart. Grant me a pure and perfect charity; that, loving thee above all things, I may breathe my last breath in the purest sentiment of