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LOOK down now, O Lord, we beseech thee, upon this sacred Victim, which was once offered to thee upon the cross, and is now daily offered to thee. Remember that thy only begotten Son, for us poor sinners, was conceived and born into this world; that he suffered a bitter agony and sweat of blood; for us he was betrayed into the hands of sinners, buffeted, spit upon, and in many ways abused; for us he was scourged at a pillar, crowned with thorns, and nailed to the cross; for us he died, and for us he triumphed over death by his resurrection, and he opened heaven for us by his ascension. We desire gratefully to commemorate all these mysteries this day, in the oblation of this pure and holy sacrifice. Oh! look not on our sins, but on the infinite ransom paid for them. And whilst we offer it here below upon our altars, do thou receive it upon thy altar above, from the hands of the Angel of the great Council, the eternal Priest; and from thence send down thy blessing upon all of us, who here below assist at thy divine mysteries: through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.