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grace. Do thou, who wast so entirely filled with heavenly grace, give some portion of it to my soul, and make me partaker of the treasures of thy immaculate conception.

Here the Litany, or Hymn “ Tota pulchra,” as before, is to be said .


The 1st of December.

O MARY, mystical rose of charity, I rejoice with thee that thou didst gloriously triumph in thy immaculate conception over the infernal serpent, and that thou wast conceived without stain of original sin. I thank and praise with all my heart the most holy Trinity for having granted to thee such a privilege; and I implore thee to obtain for me courage to overcome every device of the infernal enemy, and not to stain my soul with sin. Ah, do thou always assist me; and let me, under thy protection, ever triumph over the common enemies of our eternal salvation.

Here the Litany, or the Hymn , as before, is to be said .


The 2nd of December.

O IMMACULATE Virgin Mary, mirror of virtue, I rejoice with the utmost joy to see that the most sublime and perfect virtues have been from thy first conception infused into thee, and with them all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, I thank and praise the most holy Trinity for having favoured thee with these privileges; and I implore thee, O gracious Mother, to obtain for me the practice of virtues, and to render me thus worthy to receive the gifts and the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Here the Litany , or the Hymn, as before, is to be said.