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O INFINITE God! how truly may it be said of me, The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib, but thou knowest not thy Lord. I admire thy love and charity! I am ashamed of my tepidity and ingratitude. Infinite goodness! I come too late to love thee, but although it be the eleventh hour, bestow on me the promised reward: be to me a Saviour. Thou hast died for me, let me partake of thy eternal charity. Grant that, through the intercession of St. Joseph, my good resolutions may be perfected. I also beg that when I entertain thee in the most Blessed Sacrament, I may be favoured with the same sentiments of adoration, love and thanksgiving that St. Joseph experienced when he received thee from Simeon, to restore thee to thy blessed Mother. Amen.


JESUS, my Maker and my Master, without whose merciful assistance I walk in darkness and perish! I most humbly beg, through the intercession of St. Joseph, that thou wilt grant me grace to escape from the servitude of sin, under which I have so long groaned, in order that I may enjoy the liberty of thy faithful servants. I have frequently experienced thy goodness, and I know thy power; my trust is in both. O! grant me constancy to despise the allurements of the world, and to remain undaunted under afflicting terrors. My dear Redeemer, I have too often lost thee by sin; I have willingly and wilfully parted with thee, to follow my corrupt inclinations. O God! who didst come to seek sinners, take pity on me who am the greatest. Thou art now pleased