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the devoted adorers of this sacrament of love, and to take thy eucharistic life for the rule and model of ours. Give us grace to honour thy silence on our altar by the spirit of recollection and prayer; thy poverty, obedience, and adorable sanctity by detachment from all things, renunciation of self-will, and horror of sin. Above all, we beseech thee, O living Bread of eternal life! to remove all obstacles to our frequently and worthily receiving thee; and to grant us so tender a devotion to this adorable mystery, that our hearts and thoughts may ever be turned to thee present on our altars, and every action of our lives be directed to the perfect accomplishment of thy holy will. Amen.



(To begin on Corpus Christi.)

O ADORABLE Jesus! who hast made known to us thy most sacred heart, that we may form some idea of the extent of thy love! send forth thy light and thy grace into our hearts, that we may value as we ought so precious a favour. We adore thee, O infinitely amiable heart! and beseech thee to receive our adorations, in unison with those thou thyself renderest to the Divinity on our altars; in unison with the perfect homage of all thy saints and in particular in unison with the unceasing adorations of the heavenly spirits, who crowd thy sanctuary during this glorious solemnity, and honour the presence of thy amiable heart on our altars. Yet