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and whose love can alone make it truly happy. I now consecrate and present to thee all my thoughts, words, and actions, from this moment to the happy day of my next communion, in union with thy infinite merits, and as a preparation for that great happiness. O my God, I already look forward to it with joy, and I beg of thee most earnestly to grant me such purity of heart, and such fervent dispositions in approaching to thy holy table, that each communion may produce in my soul an increase of thy fear and love, and strengthen me to perform the exalted duties of a true Christian, in whatever situation of life thy providence shall hereafter place me.


O MY sweet Saviour Jesus Christ, thou art my Sovereign Good, the Fountain of all Good, my God and my All. I most firmly believe, that for us sinners, and for our salvation, thou wast pleased to come down from heaven, to take upon thee, by the mystery of thy incarnation, our human nature, and to become one of us, that so thou mightest be our High Priest and our Victim. I most firmly believe that thou offeredst thyself upon the cross a