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Ever bless and defend the sweet land of our birth,
Where the shamrock still blooms as when thou wert on earth;
And our hearts shall yet burn, wheresoever we roam,
For God, and St. Patrick, and our own native home.


(St. Joseph.)

Hail, holy Joseph, hail;
Husband of Mary, hail;
Chaste as the lily-flower
In Eden’s peaceful vale.

Hail, holy Joseph, hail;
Father of Christ esteem'd;
Father be thou to those
Thy Foster-Son redeem'd.

Hail, holy Joseph, hail;
Prince of the House of God;
May his best graces be
By thy sweet hands bestow’d.

Hail, holy Joseph, hail;
Belov'd of angels, hail;
Cheer thou the hearts that faint,
And guide the hearts that fail.

Hail, holy Joseph, hail;
God's voice they rule alone;
To thee the Word made flesh
Was subject as a Son.