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eyes and heart cast down, and with a deep sense of my manifold treasons, and great unworthiness, I humbly beg pardon of thee for all my sins, and implore thy mercy. Oh! merciful Saviour, have compassion on me, and suffer me at least to sigh after thee; and though I am unworthy of thine embraces, permit me, like the penitent Magdalen, to present myself at least before thy feet, and wash them in spirit with my tears! Oh! may thy sacred blood, which thou hast shed for all sinners, cleanse my poor soul this day from all its filth. Oh! come to me, dear Lord, in spirit, and take possession of all the powers of my soul. Oh! let me be thine, and thou mine from henceforth and for ever; and grant that nothing in life or death may ever separate me from thee any more. In this one prayer, hear me, O Lord, and in all things else do with me what thou wilt.


I RETURN thee now most hearty thanks, O my God, through Jesus Christ thy Son, that thou hast been pleased to deliver him up to death for us, and to give us his body and blood, both as a sacrament and a sacrifice, in these holy mysteries; at