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O ETERNAL Father! behold here thy beloved Son, who is pleased to offer himself and his sacred merits to purchase for me eternal life. I therefore claim it as my inheritance; I ardently desire it, and firmly hope for it, and thy unerring word has assured me that those who trust in thee shall never be confounded. My dear Saviour, who wouldst not only die for me, but didst also suffer a most cruel agony for my sake, I adore each of thy interior motions even to the last moment of thy life; I adore thy last thoughts, words, and sufferings; I adore the last sentiments of thy sacred humanity, the last application of the powers of thy soul. I offer thee the last moments of my life in honor of thy most holy death. Dear Jesus, bless my death, and sanctify it by thine; unite it, Lord, to thine; make me partaker of those divine dispositions which animated thy soul when thou didst resign it into the hands of thy eternal Father, and grant that my last sigh may be an act of pure love of thee. As thou didst accept of death from the first moment of thy incarnation, and didst remain in the same dispositions all the days of thy life; so in like manner I from this moment accept of whatever kind of death thou shalt be pleased to ordain for me, and will, with thy grace, continue in the same resolution of dying for thee and according to thy will, in the spirit of perfect obedience. I heartily desire that the last act of my liberty may be one of submission to thy divine will, in honour of that which thou didst make upon the cross, when bowing down thy sacred head in obedience to the decrees of thy Father, thou didst render thy blessed soul into his hands. I also accept of death in the spirit of love. As thine was the most pregnant