Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/113

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Him who hath sworn by the Name the Compeller of all secrets.
And salutation to Fadel, the prince of Agheyl, the chieftain.
Hearken to me, ye great ones. Give ear to me, O Fadel.
Strange is the tale of thy mare — ay, write it in thy ledgers —
For he who robbed her from thee is with thee here in Council."
And when the Emir had heard, then turned he rightwards and leftwards.
Looking around in his pride like a pawn made queen on a chess-board,
Yet saw he none but the Sheykh and the man of contemplation.
They alone, these two, stood strange among the tribesmen.
And he called aloud to the Arabs, and bade them bind them in irons.
And lead them straight to Alia, to her of the plaited tresses. -
" For she," he said, " shall know and tell us of our foeman."
And they took and bound Salame and the man of contemplation.
And they ringed their necks with iron and brought them bound to Alia,
Crying aloud, " Behold the offenders of the great ones."