Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/116

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And show thee of the mare, and tell thee sooth of the Wely."
And when Fadel heard these words he bade them again to bring him,
Saying " Mayhap he will spare, and so my mind find comfort."
And they went again and returned and brought with them Salame ;
And the holy man they brought, the man of contemplation.
And to him the AgheyU rose and joyfully embraced him :
Barefoot he stood and kissed his hands, the in and the outside.
And he said, "O Sheykh, thy pardon I ask for that which I did thee ;
See, I have borne much grief, do thou forbear with my dealings.
Grief on account of the mare and desolation of spirit;
And, when that the image spoke, I did thee a thing unseemly.
Yet, oh, the gracious dealing of him that pardoneth sinners ! "
And Abu Zeyd assented, " Ay, truly do I forgive thee."
And he made him sit by his side. And Jaber bade them loosen
The chains of the holy man. And they sat, they three together.
Making cheer and rejoicing. And all the sons of the Arabs