Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/18

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"Fortune fair," said he, " I bring and a noble token.
"O my Lord Abu Zeyd," he cried, and his lips were smiling,
"Here is a guest of renown for thee, a stranger, a lady,
One for the wounding of hearts, a dame of illustrious lineage,
One whose heart is on fire with grief, and sorely afflicted."
The dark one threw off his cloak to Abul Komsan in guerdon,
Even I, Abu Zeyd Salame, the while my companions
Rose with me all as I rose in my place, we four rejoicing,
Hassan and Abu Kheyl Diab, and the Kadi Paid.
And first of them Hassan spake and said, " Is my name not Hassan?
Sultan and chief and lord am I of the lords of the Bedu.
Shall not my tent stand free to all, to each guest that cometh?
So God send her to me, be they hers, two thousand camels."
And Abu Kheyl uprose, and with him the Kadi Faid.
"And I," said he, "no less will give to this dame two thousand."
Nor was the Kadi slow to speak: " Though this pen and paper
All my poor fortune be," said he, cc I will name her thirty."
But I, Salame, said, " By my faith, these gifts were little;
Mine be a larger vow." And I swore an oath and I promised
All that she would to bring, nay, all her soul demanded,