Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/23

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And they, 'But we will give. So be thy mind unburdened,
And his, too, of the doubt. We stand to thee his guarants.'
And Selman spake, 'Behold it, to the last coin, his dowry.'
And Jafferi, 'Nor less, things needed for the wedding.
All that thou wilt we bring, a gift to thee and Amer.'
Then answered them the hero, En Naaman, the chieftain :
'List to my word, O chiefs, O generous-minded princes.
Let him but bring one thing, the thing my soul desireth,
So shall I stand content, nor ask a further dowry,
Necklace, nor chain, nor ring, nor ornament of silver,
Nor silk, nor broidered robe, and, lo, my word is on it.
He shall be to me a son, and I will love him truly,
More than a brother's son, in all things first and foremost.
But come he empty-handed, the girl shall be another's/
And so with a pious phrase the hero left them wondering.
And straightway questioned all, 'And what is this, O Naaman?'
Laughing he made reply, 'The mare of Agheyli Jaber.'
Then on the chiefs assembled there fell as it were a tremour,
And each man looked at each, nor made they further pleading,