Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/29

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Base surely were the man less prompt to do than promise."
But next the Kadi came and fingered at his turban,
And with him Rih my sister, and she called to him, Helall,
Wilt thou not stay this champion." And I—"Nay, hold thy clamour
Lest I should cut thee short, even with this sword, my sister."
And the Kadi: "Hear, O people. This warrior is foolhardy.
Bring forth the brazen fetters to bind this father of patience."
And hearing, Abu Zeyd was wrath with wrath exceeding.
And his hand set to his sword and "Ho," said he, "ye mad ones!
Talk ye to lay in fetter me who am named Salame,
Me, the strength of Helal, who clothed the tribe in lory?
Nay, were it not for shame I would hew ye all in pieces."
And Rih cried, "Woe is me, the burning of my trouble,
How shall I quench this flame? Yet shall he take our blessing."
And I, "The word farewell is but a wound to the goer.
Cease, therefore, from thy tears." And weeping thus she left me.
But I my camel mounted and went my way in silence,