Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/57

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what death is mine. And, if he were here, my father ! "
And he asked : "Who then is he, thy father, O thou proud one !
Nay, but humble thyself." But she called the more, " Oh, hear me !
God will visit this sin on thee and on her, ye traitors.
Do thou but grant my demand and make my death less bitter.
For he who dieth not on the day shall fall on the morrow,
And he who scapeth the sword, the same by the spear is smitten,
For all things have their days and courses and appointments."
And he said, " I grant thee respite. And after will I smite thee
And give the death thou fearest." And he spoke aside to Zohwa,
" Sit we awhile apart." And Alia raised up weeping
Her beautiful eyes to Heaven, and she prayed to Him who hath pity,
" O Thou searcher of hearts," she said u who knoweth the secrets
Even of every heart, to Thee I look for compassion.
Thou the merciful One, the Eternal, the most Mighty,
Thou who art of Thyself, the giver of consolation,
Thou the pitiful One, to Thee I come in my sorrow,
Calling on Thee by the name of Thy deeds, the might of Thy wonders