Page:The Celebrated Romance of the Stealing of the Mare.djvu/71

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(A castle you had deemed it)—and she said, "O thou Salame,
Now hast thou made us glad—for see, the tribe rejoiceth.
To-day is white through thee, O prince, O lion of Amer."
And she brought the basin and ewer, and stood there in her beauty.
Shining, unveiled, her hair in plaits which hung to her girdle.
And I washed and prayed alone, as is ordered by the precept.
And anon she came again, and in her hand she brought me
Somewhat that I might eat, meats fit for kings, in dishes.
And she said, "O Abu Zeyd, there is time if thou wouldst slumber.
And she spread a bed before me with her own hands for sleeping;
And sprinkled it with musk, sweet-scenting all the chamber.
And she of the plaits returned, and yet again, with coverings.
Like a gazelle, I deemed, the wild fawn of the desert.
And her eyes! May God be praised if thou shouldst gaze within them!
A bird as it flew might fall, from its midmost way beholding.