Page:The Chace - Somervile (1735).djvu/134

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Book IV.
Hence to the Village with pernicious Haste 255
Baleful he bends his Course: The Village flies
Alarm'd; the tender Mother in her Arms,
Hugs close the trembling Babe; the Doors are barr'd,
And flying Curs by native Instinct taught,
Shun the contagious Bane; the rustick Bands 260
Hurry to Arms, the rude Militia seize
Whate'er at hand they find; Clubs, Forks, or Guns
From ev'ry Quarter charge the furious Foe,
In wild Disorder, and uncouth Array:
'Till now with Wounds on Wounds oppress'd and gor'd, 265
At one short pois'nous Gasp he breaths his last.

Hence to the Kennel, Muse, return, and view,
With heavy Heart that Hospital of Woe;
Where Horror stalks at large, insatiate Death
