Page:The Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876).djvu/273

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6. Izdubar at the destruction set up . . . .

7. Anatu the injurer of men upon him struck,

8. and in the midst of his limbs he died.

9. He spake and said to his friend:

10. Friend thou dost not ask me why I am naked,

11. thou dost not inquire of me why I am spoiled,

12. God will not depart, why do my limbs burn.

13. Friend I saw a third dream,

14. and the dream which I saw entirely disappeared,

15. He invoked the god of the earth and desired death.

16. A storm came out of the darkness,

17. the lightning struck and kindled a fire,

18. and came out the shadow of death.

19. It disappeared, the fire sank,

20. he struck it and it turned to a palm tree,

21. . . . and in the desert thy lord was proceeding.

22. And Heabani the dream considered and said to Izdubar.

The fourth and fifth columns of this tablet are lost. This part of the legend appears to refer to the illness of Izdubar.

Column VI.

1. My friend . . . the dream which is not . . .

2. the day he dreamed the dream, the end . . .

3. Heabani lay down also one day . . .

4. which Heabani in that evening . . .

5. the third day and the fourth day which . . .