Page:The Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876).djvu/277

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11. Summoning his resolution he approached before them.

12. The scorpion-man of his female asked:

13. Who comes to us with the affliction of god on his body

14. To the scorpion-man his female answered:

15. The work of god is laid upon the man,

16. The scorpion-man of the hero asked,

17. . . . . of the gods the word he said:

18. . . . . distant road

19. . . . . come to my presence

20. . . . . of which the passage is difficult.

The rest of this column is lost. In it Izdubar converses with the monsters and where the third column begins he is telling them his purpose, to seek Hasisadra.

Column III.

(1 and 2 lost.)

3. He Hasisadra my father . . . . .

4. who is established in the assembly of the gods

5. death and life [are known to him]

6. The monster opened his mouth and spake

7. and said to Izdubar

8. Do it not Izdubar . . . .

9. of the country . . . .

10. for twelve kaspu (84 miles) [is the journey]

11. which is completely covered with sand, and there is not a cultivated field,

12. to the rising sun . . . .