Page:The Chaldean Account of Genesis (1876).djvu/347

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  • Elamites, 187.
  • Eneuboulus, 47.
  • Eneugamus, 47.
  • Erech, 129, 183, 293.
  • Eridu, 293.
  • Esarhaddon, 32.
  • Etana, 17, 140, 141.
  • Euedocus, 47.
  • Euedorachus, 45.
  • Euedoreschus, 47.
  • Evil spirits, legend of, 27.
  • Expedition to Assyria, 11.
  • Exploits of Lubara, 26.
  • Fables, 17, 18, 137.
  • Fall, 13.
  • Fifth tablet of the creation, 69-71.
  • Filling the ark, 267.
  • First tablet of the creation, 62.
  • Flood, 1, 264, 307.
  • Forest of Humbaba, 214.
  • Fox, fable of, 144.
  • Fox Talbot, Mr., 239.
  • Fragments of tablets, 19
  • Ganganna, 293.
  • Generation of the gods, 66.
  • Genesis, 1, 3, 11.
    • stories, 33.
  • God Zu, 113, 122.
  • Hammurabi, 24.
  • Harriskalama, 293.
  • Hasisadra, 256, 262.
  • Hea, 53, 109, 111.
  • Heabani, 7, 193, 198.
  • Heabani comes to Erech, 204.
  • History of Izdubar, 309-311.
  • Horse and ox, fable of, 147-150.
  • Humbaba, 185, 207, 213.
  • Illinus, 50.
  • Ishmael, 298.
  • Ishtar, 17, 54, 56, 108, 129, 217.
    • loves Izdubar, 218.
    • amours of, 220.
    • anger of, 221.
    • descent to Hades, 227.
    • in Hades, 231.
    • return of, 235.
  • Ismi-dagan, 26.
  • Itak, 124.
  • Izdubar, 5, 173, 194, 308.
    • legends, 8, 18, 27, 167, 170.
    • same as Nimrod, 167, 168.
    • parentage, 173.
    • exploits of, 174, 203.
    • conquers Humbaba, 216.
    • loved by Ishtar, 218.
    • struck with disease, 245.
    • wanderings of, 247.
    • meets scorpion men, 248.
    • travels over desert, 251.
    • meets Sabitu and Siduri, 253.
    • meets Urhamsi, 254.
    • sees Hasisadra, 260.
    • hears the story of the flood, 264.
    • cured of his illness, 275.
    • returns to Erech, 277.
    • mourns for Heabani, 279.
    • friendship with Heabani, 193.
    • dream of, 194.