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wealthy Prince Rao-Singh was apparently still her sponsor and best friend, it was the wise thing to do to see where he, Hayden, stood.

One had to be careful with this flighty, young millionaire set. They had a habit of playing and not paying, of disappearing without leaving a forwarding address with the postman. Besides, Mrs. Drake had seemingly scratched Canary Cottage off her list as a place of amusement. He had not seen her there for several weeks. By making inquiries he had discovered that she was still in the neighborhood but he did not know how soon she would be going. On the whole, though his patrons did not usually care to have him invading their homes, he thought it expedient to come around and pay a business call.

Carmelita sensed uneasily what was coming as she asked him to sit down. He did so, his huge panama hat with the flashy band resting upon his knee and the remains of a brightlybanded cigar between his fat fingers. He mopped his brow at intervals. He had walked the mile from Canary Cottage and he was not the build which weathers the heat well.

"Haven't seen you at the Cottage lately, Mrs. Drake?" he started genially. She offered no comment. He got down to business. "Well, to tell the truth, I've come around about the little bill you owe us." He fumbled