Page:The Children Who Followed the Piper.djvu/80

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brought about my misfortune! For as I rode out on a day I was seen by the Enchantress Circe who was then going through the wood gathering herbs for her magic brews. She saw me, and immediately she wanted me to give my love to her. But I rode on giving no heed at all to her greetings. I rode on, thinking of Canens, my sweet-voiced bride. Then Circe took the herbs she had gathered, and she made out of them a shape that was like the shape of a wild boar. She sent it to rush across my path. I followed the magic thing. It rushed into a deep thicket, and I, jumping off my horse, went after it with my spear. And then I came upon Circe. She was standing there, with the boar under her feet, all flattened out.

"There Circe took my hands, begging me to come with her, and to leave all others for her. I thought upon my sweet-voiced Canens and I would not go with Circe. She gave me a cup, and she wanted me to drink out of it, saying that it would clear my mind of all thought of