Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/156

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where, under approximately healthy conditions, members of the C.I.M. might recuperate, Mr. Hudson Taylor established a sanatorium in Chefoo in 1879, an institution which has grown with the Mission and has proved an inestimable boon to many who suffered in health under the conditions inevitable in Inland China. Schools for the children of missionaries soon became a pressing need, and to meet this the late Mr. W. L. Elliston began to teach in a room in the mission house beside the sanatorium. This work also has grown, and as, under certain conditions, the schools are open to children of parents other than missionaries, the Chefoo schools are now an important factor in European life in China. In recent years two commodious buildings have been erected, fulfilling modern scholastic conditions, for the accommodation of 180 boarders—100 boys and 80 girls—and another building, formerly used as a hotel, has been purchased and modified to meet the requirements of a mixed preparatory school for younger children.

The China Inland Mission also carries on medical mission work in Chefoo in two hospitals, one in the mission compound, the other, the Lily Douthwaite Memorial Hospital, primarily intended for the isolation of fever cases, built at a little distance. At Ninghai Chow, 18 miles to the south-east, Mission work, evangelistic and industrial, has been carried on by the China Inland Mission since 1886.

It was in Shantung that the Boxer movement was first turned against the foreigners in China, under the direction and fostering care of the notorious Yü-hsien, since executed by Imperial command not far from the door of the China Inland Mission House in Lanchow, Kansu province.

The name of a Shantung missionary, the Rev. S. P. Brook of the S.P.G., heads the long, sad list of those to whom it was granted to suffer the loss of life for Christ's, sake and the Gospel during the terrible Boxer uprising.