Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/223

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Fu Hsi, the first of the "Five Rulers," whose date, according to Chinese records, goes back to 2953 B.C., is supposed to be buried at Chenchow Fu. His dynastic appellation was T'ai Hao, and every year a festival is held in his honour, known as the T'ai-Hao-ling—the word "ling" meaning imperial mound or tomb. From far and near people crowd to the reputed site of his grave.

From him the Chinese date the ceremony of marriage, the slaying of animals to make clothing, writing, and the commencement of learning, also music. He is reputed to be the author of the "Pa-kua," or Geomantic Diagrams.

A circular raised platform has been erected close to the T'ai-Hao-ling, on which the signs of the Pa-kua are inscribed in stone. In the centre is placed the Long-ma, or dragon horse, on which has been marked the sign of the elemental principles according to Chinese theory—the T'ai-ki-t'u. The dragon horse is supposed to have emerged from the water, and the figure of the T'ai-ki was found on its back.

Pien-lien-ch'eng (Kaifeng Fu) has been the scene of prolonged sieges and of desolating floods. Its former wealth and extent are gone, but to-day it is a city 1 Chinese miles across (3⅓ English miles).

The story of the Jewish Community, with its centre in this city, is of great interest and is not fully told yet. Much interest was aroused when the existence of a community of Jews in Kaifeng Fu, the capital of Honan, was first made known. An admirable pamphlet on the subject has been published. It is entitled, "A Lecture delivered by Marcus N. Adler, M.A.,[1] at the Jews' College Literary Society, Queen Square House, London, 1900."

The history of Protestant Missions in Honan begins with the itinerations of two members of the China Inland Mission, Henry Taylor and George Clarke, in the year 1875. They even succeeded in renting premises in Runing Fu, but subsequently were compelled to leave.

  1. See Appendix.