Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/225

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Hsien. In 1902 Mr. Bostick commenced work in Anhwei. The aim of this Mission has been to put responsibility on the Chinese Christians as early as possible. No paid helpers are employed. The Christians have their own places of worship, leased in Kweite Fu and bought in Luyi Hsien, and they look forward to having one in Po Chow before long.

In December 1898 the American Norwegian Lutheran Mission commenced work in the Runing Fu district, South Honan. Stations have been opened in Runing, Sinyang Chow, and Kioshan. In the latter place is situated a hospital. One hundred and thirty boys in three schools and forty-eight girls in two schools give promise for the future.

The year 1899 saw the opening of the district of Kwangchow. Mr. Argento of the China Inland Mission, who has laboured there since that date, writes of widespread interest. Already 11 out-stations have been opened, and 1 unpaid helpers and 5 paid assistants are employed. Two hundred and sixty-five have been baptized in this district.

During the same year the Swedish Mission in China, associated with the China Inland Mission, commenced work in Sinan, a city in the north-west of the province, a day's journey west of Honan Fu. The difficulties met with in this neighbourhood have been great, nevertheless 4 stations have been opened, 114 persons have been baptized, and 2 boarding-schools established with 29 pupils. Honan Fu was occupied in 1904.

To Mr. R. A. Powell of the China Inland Mission belongs the privilege of being the first to rent premises in the anti-foreign provincial capital of Kaifeng Fu. He had visited the city in 1899, but it was not till 1902 that he succeeded in securing premises. Since then medical work has commenced with the advent of Drs. Carr and Guinness. A hospital is in process of construction and should be completed before long. Evangelistic work is being carried on in the city. Already 10 persons have been baptized.

The same year saw the occupation of Hsi Hsien by Mr.