Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/263

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such, for instance, as when he had a tract handed back to him with the following remark, "I don't want a tract with pigs in it." The tract was on the story of the Prodigal Son.

In addition to the China Inland Mission, the Scandinavian China Alliance, in association with the China Inland Mission, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance, are at work in the province. The Scandinavian Alliance have occupied the cities along the high-road from Sian Fu in Shensi to Lanchow Fu, and have a school for the children of its missionaries at Pingliang Fu; while the Christian and Missionary Alliance have settled in the west of the province. The missionaries are separated by long distances, the character of the country not allowing of any close chain of stations.

In connection with the China Inland Mission, including the associated work of the Scandinavian Alliance, there are 10 stations with 1 out -station, 11 chapels, and 42 foreign workers, including wives. There are also 1 9 Chinese helpers, while 223 persons have been baptized from the commencement. There are also 2 boarding and 4 day schools, 1 hospital, 4 dispensaries, and 2 opium refuges.

On the whole, indifference rather than open hostility has been the attitude of the people towards the Gospel, but since 1900 there has been a more eager and respectful attention to the things taught.