Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/318

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In addition to these three families of tribes whose representatives are to be found in this province, there are also several of Tibetan origin in the west who are quite accessible. Among these are the Tibetans, pure and simple, the Si-fan, the Ku-tsong, and the Ka-ch'in tribes. These latter inhabit the hills between the Shan country and Burmah. Among the Burmese Ka-ch'ins, the American Baptist missionaries are carrying on a good work, but the Chinese Ka-ch'ins, as well as the Chinese Shans and the other border tribes, are still outside the pale of any effort for their temporal or spiritual benefits.

Missions.—There are only two Missions having workers in this wide field: the China Inland Mission and the Bible Christian Mission. The Bible Christian Mission commenced their work in association with the China Inland Mission, and are now working in the districts in the Prefectures of Tungchwan and Chaotung, and, as already mentioned, have lately opened work among the Miao-tse in the neighbourhood of the latter Prefecture. Their two main stations were opened in 1887 and 1891.

The first distinct effort made for the benefit of the Yunnan province by the China Inland Mission was made in 1875, when a work was commenced in Bhamo in Upper Burmah by the Rev. J. W. Stevenson and Mr. (now Dr.) H. Soltau—not only for the preaching of the Gospel to Chinese residents and traders, but also to establish a station which should form a base for missionary effort for the province of Yunnan. Although for many years the disturbed condition of the border districts between Burmah and China prevented the effective carrying out of this latter intention, there is little doubt but that the opening of the station has done much to call attention to the needs of this province, and to stimulate the further efforts that have been made since within its borders. This station is still occupied, and now that free access is secured by the occupation of Upper Burmah by the British, it is likely to be of more value to the work in Yunnan than ever