Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/339

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Station. He was very soon joined by Mr. Landale, and in 1880 by Mr. and Mrs. George Clark, Mrs. Clark (née Rossier) being the first European lady who had visited the province. Various changes followed, while Mr. T. Windsor reached Kweiyang Fu in 1885, and the Rev. and Mrs. Samuel Clarke in 1889. In the following year the staff was augmented by the arrival of Dr. and Mrs. Pruen, Mr. and Mrs. G. Andrew having left the province in 1888. In 1895 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clarke were appointed for work among the non-Chinese communities in the province. The details of the various changes in personnel, and the opening of the various stations, will not be of interest to the general reader; suffice it to say that up to the present time the China Inland Mission is the only Missionary Society engaged in work in this province.

Probably the most difficult and discouraging places for missionary effort are the provincial capitals, the reason for this being the predominance of the official element, with its anti-foreign prejudices, and the natural difficulty of influencing large cities. However, from the commencement nearly one hundred persons have been baptized in the capital, and the work has spread to the surrounding districts, regular services being held in several out-stations.

Anshuen Fu, three days' journey west of the capital, was opened as a Mission Station by Mr. Windsor and Mr. Adam. From the commencement Mr. Adam has been in charge of this work, which has been of a decidedly encouraging nature. Several out-stations at large centres have been opened, and a good staff of native helpers organised, while a most remarkable work has recently shown itself among the non-Chinese races, of which more will be said later.

Tushan Chow, six days' journey south of the capital, and on the borders of Kwangsi, was opened by Mr. Windsor in 1893, and settled missionary work was commenced in Hsingyi Fu, seven days' journey south of Anshuen, by Mr. Waters in 1891. The proximity of this latter station to the province of Kwangsi, which for so long was in a state of chronic rebellion, led to the workers being