Page:The Chinese Empire. A General & Missionary Survey.djvu/516

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3. Charles Ph. Piton. Born 1835. Arrived in China under the Basel Mission 1864, having previously been on the Gold Coast, West Africa, 1862-63. In 1884, after twenty years in China, he returned home owing to his wife's health, and until 1905 engaged in Deputation work. Known for his translation work into the Hakka dialect in character, and for publishing a paper in the same.

4. Hendrick Z. Kloekers. Arrived in China under Netherlands Chinese Evangelisation Society in 1855, returning to Europe in 1858. Became the pioneer Missionary of English Baptist Missionary Society, reaching Shanghai in 1860, and settling at Chefoo in 1862, where he resided till 1865, when he returned to England. Messrs. Hall and Laughton were at times his colleagues in the B.M.S.

5. Ernst Faber, Dr.Th. Born in Germany 1839. Sailed for China under Rhenish Mission, from which Society he resigned in 1881, joining the AUgemeiner Evangelical Protestant Mission in 1885, and died of dysentery at Tsingtao in 1899. A man of profound scholarship and indefatigable industry, leaving many invaluable literary works, commentaries, etc.

6. Rudolf Lechler. With Theodore Hamberg, who died in Hongkong 1854, the pioneer and founder of the Basel Mission to China. Born 1824, Arrived in China with Hamberg in 1847. They went out in response to Gutzlaff's advocacy, but found his plans impracticable. Worked at Swatow among the Hakkas, and at Hongkong. Returned home 1899, after fifty-two years of work. Still living 1907.

7. Edward Pagell. In 1853 sailed under Moravian Mission to open Mongolian Mission; prevented from so doing and settled at Kyelang, Lahoul, in 1856, and founded Moravian Tibetan Mission. Died at Poo 1883.

8. Martin ScHAUB. Born 1850. Arrived in Hongkong 1874, under the Basel Mission. Died in Hongkong 1900. Noted as the Principal of the Seminary at Lilong, as a philologist, a translator, and author.

9. Augustus William Heyde. Sailed in 1853 to found Moravian Mission in Mongolia, but being prevented, settled at Kyelang in Lahoul, there founding Moravian Tibetan Mission 1856. Spent nearly fifty years on Tibetan border without a furlough. After recently completing revision of Tibetan New Testament, returned with his wife to Europe.